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Tachospeed är ett effektivt sätt att få en konkurrensfördel
Minska överträdelser och straff med i genomsnitt 67%
Minska olycksfall med i genomsnitt 72%
Spara på arbetstid, upp till 6,5 timmar per vecka för avräkning av en förare
Den innehåller ett antal funktioner och rapporter
inklusive ITD-rapport (förordning 561/2006, AETR) samt lönemodul för enkel avräkning av brutto ersättning på grundval av alla komponenter i journalerna och minimilönerna för flertals europeiska länder.
Tack vare sin tillförlitlighet används Tachospeed av över 7 000 transport och bosättningsföretag som arbetar med förare samt 19 europeiska kontrolltjänster, inklusive Polis, Vägtransportinspektion, Arbetsinspektion, Gränsbevakning, Tullen
Vi utbildar anställda i branschen TFL-industrin och bokföringskontorer och även akademiska föreläsare, polisen och vägtransport inspektioner.
Vi är medlemmar i den europeiska CORTE-organisationen och Tachograph Forum (färdskrivarforumet).
CORTE – Konfederation av kontrollorganisationer inom vägtransport med plats i Bryssel
Tachograph Forum – ett expertforum som undertecknats av Generaldirektoratet för Rörlighet och Transport ( Avdelningen för Europeiska Kommissionens Generaldirektorat MOVE).
Infolab Privacy policy
Your privacy is very important to us, so the information you enter will only be used to enable you to use the system. Your data will be shared only with our Partner (Softwair UK) but we will never pass on your details to any third-party.
Infolab company applies the two standard principles:
Our website users’ personal information is neither sold nor given access to third parties. Only our distributors and Partners have access to your personal details to be able to contact you in order to process your order for example.
Our website user shall have the right to change or withdraw his or her personal data from our database. It is enough for the user to follow the procedures included in an e-mail which will be sent to the user or the user will contact us about the matter.
We reserve the right to modify our net services. Each person visiting the Tachospeed website is obliged to use a current website.
If you want to use our website services, you shall agree to all the terms of our privacy policy and accept them.
If a person does not accept our privacy policy, he or she shall not register and submit any personal information or any details about his or her company.
Personal details
While using our website services, you may be required to provide some of your personal data by completing a suitable form.
In some cases (while completing the forms required for the trial version download or for the order placement), the user may be asked to provide some additional information. If the requested information is not submitted, this will disturb a given operation.
If you want to get a free newsletter, you are required to provide your e-mail address through a suitable form. The received information is added to our Mailing List.
We reserve the right to send the folllowing messages:
about our website (news, offers etc.);
non-commercial letters (wishes, information, comments etc.);
commercial information regarding our activities or our cooperative companies;
other information strictly related to the main activity of our company.
We are allowed to send one newsletter every two weeks.
Our website uses the cookies which are small text files sent to your computer. They identify the user in order to simplify or cancel a given operation. The cookies are not harmful to your computer, its user and his or her data.
The cookies shall be accepted if you want to download our software trial versions or to place an order for our products or to subscribe our free newsletter.
The cookies will work provided your web browser accepts them and you do not remove them from your hardware.
Tachospeed 2019 | Proudly Powered by Infolab